9:30a @ SE Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Boulevard
A proclamation of support and acknowledgement of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The Board of County Commissioners will also be honoring OHSU's Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner's Program who has pioneered the medical response to sexual assault in Portland.
Presented by the Multnomah County Sexual Assault Response Team
April 11:
12-2pm at the Multicultural Center in Smith Memorial Student Union Room 223 Communities Against Rape and Abuse is a Seattle-based organization created to undermine the root causes of sexual violence and is driven by survivors who are marginalized from mainstream sexual assault services.
Presented by the Tri-County Sexual Assault Task Force. and lots of FOOD will be provided. You can learn more about this awesome group of activists at http://www.cara-seattle.org/
April 21st
Lasting Relationships: A Brown Bag Lunch at the Multicultural Center 12am to 2pm. Northwest Family Services presenter Jed Johnson will visit PSU to talk about: 1) Sliding Vs. Deciding Making decisions about what you want, rather than sliding into situations. 2) Problem Behaviors - Danger signs in unsafe partners. 3) Smart Love - Seek a good match. Pay attention to values. Choose a real partner, not a "makeover" project. Don't try to change
yourself. Expect good communication and don't run from conflict. Don't play games, pressure or manipulate someone. Have a bottom line. 4) "Should I stay or go" dos and don'ts if you decide to break up. 5) Info sheet on "Taking stock of support in my life".
April 24th
Take Back the Night (TBtN) at PSU 6:30pm-9:30pm in the Park Blocks.
Bike Back the Night: presented by Portland Women's Crisis Line (PWCL) happening before TBtN at 5pm in Colonel Summer's Park, 20th & SE Belmont Street.
A spin on Take Back the Night, riders will take to the streets to demonstrate their commitment to a world without sexual violence. The ride will end at Portland State University in time to join in and celebrate their campus Take Back the Night.
And, one more fabulous event to attend will be the Multnomah County Proclamation of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This will happen April 3rd at 9:30am in the Multnomah County Building at 501 SE Hawthorne. Presented by the Multnomah County Sexual Assault Response Team.

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